Attachment 'software-engineering.odt'

File Name                                            Modified              Size
mimetype                                       2007-04-19 07:06:56           39
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Configurations2/toolbar/                       2007-04-19 07:06:56            0
Configurations2/images/Bitmaps/                2007-04-19 07:06:56            0
layout-cache                                   2007-04-19 07:06:56          156
content.xml                                    2007-04-19 07:06:56       150402
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meta.xml                                       2007-04-19 07:06:56         1219
Thumbnails/thumbnail.png                       2007-04-19 07:06:56         1116
settings.xml                                   2007-04-19 07:06:56         8131
META-INF/manifest.xml                          2007-04-19 07:06:56         1965

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